CST Time Zone Offsets

This is the list of UTC time zone offsets in ±HH:MM time format and the time difference between universal time. It helps us easily understand how time zone differences work, and possibly get an idea about the current time in a selected time zone. You can use these UTC time zone offsets, along with our CST time zone converter and other interesting functions of this website.

Understanding CST Offsets

  • • CST (Central Standard Time) is UTC-6
  • • Positive offsets (CST+) indicate time zones ahead of CST
  • • Negative offsets (CST-) indicate time zones behind CST
  • • Some regions have 30 or 45-minute offsets

Quick Reference Guide

Ahead of CST (Positive Offset)

CST+0: Same time as CST

CST+1: 1 hour ahead of CST

CST+2: 2 hours ahead of CST

And so on...

Behind CST (Negative Offset)

CST-1: 1 hour behind CST

CST-2: 2 hours behind CST

CST-3: 3 hours behind CST

And so on...